Apps and Contextual Views


In order to better represent specific data types and facilities, MyTardis allows apps to override the default views for Experiments, Datasets, DataFile metadata, and the main index page. The following sections detail settings and requirements of apps to make this happen.

Datafile Views


By default there exists an option to show the metadata of individual DataFile s in the default Dataset view. Some kinds of files allow for rich and useful visualisation and/or processing. For this purpose there exist contextual views, views that are available depending on the type of file they refer to.

User Guide

A default installation has no contextual views. To enable them a few steps are needed:

  • an app needs to be installed either in tardis/apps/, or the app’s configuration must subclass AbstractTardisAppConfig thereby enabling autodetection. AbstractTardisAppConfig replaces AppConfig as described in these django docs.
  • DataFile s need to be manually or automatically tagged with a schema that identifies them as viewable with a particular view. Filters are a convenient way to do this. See below for an example.
  • settings need to be added to A list called DATAFILE_VIEWS holds a tuple for each available view. The first entry of the tuple is a schema namespace and is matched against all schemas attached to the DataFile. If a match occurs, a link to the url given as second entry of the tuple is added to the Datafile Detail section of the default Dataset view and loaded via AJAX on demand. Example:

Currently, the default view is always DataFile metadata. This can be changed, for example, by developing a custom Dataset view, which is explained in the following section.

Dataset and Experiment Views


For some specific uses the data available can be presented and/or processed in useful ways. MyTardis allows views for Experiments and Datasets to be overriden by apps on a per-schema basis, allowing custom views for specifc data types. The example that this feature was built for are single-image and many-image datasets from the Australian Synchrotron. Single images can be displayed large and for a many-image dataset it is more useful to show a couple of example images taken at regular intervals not from the beginning of the set of files. These different datasets can be detected via their schema namespace and displayed differently.

User Guide

Akin to DataFile contextual views, Dataset and Experiment contextual views rely on matching a specific schema namespace in an attached ParameterSet.

Existing schemas can be used, or a special schema intended only for tagging an Experiment or Dataset for contextual view override can be attached (via an otherwise empty ParameterSet).

Dataset and Experiment contextual views are configured in settings by
associating a schema namespace with a class-based view (or view function).

Unlike DataFile contextual views which inject content into the DOM via an AJAX call, these contextual views override the entire page.



Custom Index View


Specific sites or facilities often want to display a custom index page that presents recently ingested experiments in a way which is more meaningful for their particular domain or application. MyTardis support overriding the index page (/) on a per-domain or per-Site basis.

User Guide


    1: 'tardis.apps.my_custom_app.views.MyCustomIndexSubclass',
    '': 'tardis.apps.myapp.AnotherCustomIndexSubclass'

A custom view override is defined in settings as dictionary mapping a class-based view (or view function) to a Django Site. A Site is specified by SITE_ID (an integer) or the domain name of the incoming request.

Developers creating custom contextual index views are encouraged to subclass tardis.tardis_portal.views.pages.IndexView.

Good practice for app developers

In order to benefit from future bug and security fixes in core MyTardis, app developers are strongly encouraged to override IndexView, DatasetView and ExperimentView (from tardis.tardis_portal.pages) when creating custom contextual views.

The default and well-tested index.html, view_dataset.html and view_experiment.html templates can used as a basis for these custom contextual views.

New versions may change the default templates and view functions. If you copy and paste parts for your application, please check with each upgrade that you are still using up to date code.