tardis.default_settings package


tardis.default_settings.admins module

tardis.default_settings.analytics module

tardis.default_settings.apps module

tardis.default_settings.auth module

tardis.default_settings.auth.AUTOGENERATE_API_KEY = False

Generate a tastypie API key with user post_save (tardis/tardis_portal/models/hooks.py)

tardis.default_settings.auth.REGISTRATION_OPEN = True

Enable/disable the self-registration link and form in the UI. Note - this does not actually disable the URL endpoints for registration. You must also remove the registration app from INSTALLED_APPS to disable registration.

tardis.default_settings.caches module

tardis.default_settings.caches.CACHES = {'celery-locks': {'LOCATION': 'celery_lock_cache', 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.db.DatabaseCache'}, 'default': {'LOCATION': 'default_cache', 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.db.DatabaseCache'}}

change the CACHES setting to memcached if you prefer. Requires additional dependencies.

tardis.default_settings.celery module

tardis.default_settings.celery.BROKER_URL = 'django://'

use django:, add kombu.transport.django to INSTALLED_APPS or use redis: install redis separately and add the following to a custom buildout.cfg:

django-celery-with-redis redis hiredis

tardis.default_settings.custom_views module

tardis.default_settings.custom_views.DATASET_VIEWS = []

Dataset view overrides (‘contextual views’) are specified as tuples mapping a Schema namespace to a class-based view (or view function). See: https://mytardis.readthedocs.org/en/develop/contextual_views.html#dataset-and-experiment-views


tardis.default_settings.custom_views.EXPERIMENT_VIEWS = []

Experiment view overrides (‘contextual views’) are specified as tuples mapping a Schema namespace to a class-based view (or view function). See: https://mytardis.readthedocs.org/en/develop/contextual_views.html#dataset-and-experiment-views


tardis.default_settings.custom_views.INDEX_VIEWS = {}

A custom index page override is defined in as dictionary mapping a class-based view (or view function) to a Django Site, specified by SITE_ID (an integer) or the domain name of the incoming request. See: https://mytardis.readthedocs.org/en/develop/contextual_views.html#custom-index-view


    1: 'tardis.apps.my_custom_app.views.MyCustomIndexSubclass',
    'store.example.com': 'tardis.apps.myapp.AnotherCustomIndexSubclass'

tardis.default_settings.database module

tardis.default_settings.debug module

tardis.default_settings.debug.ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['*']

For security reasons this needs to be set to your hostname and/or IP address in production.

tardis.default_settings.debug.DEBUG = True

Set to false for production use

tardis.default_settings.debug.INTERNAL_IPS = ('',)
A list of IP addresses, as strings, that:
Allow the debug() context processor to add some variables to the template context.

tardis.default_settings.downloads module

tardis.default_settings.downloads.DEFAULT_ARCHIVE_FORMATS = ['tar']

Site’s preferred archive types, with the most preferred first other available option: ‘tgz’. Add to list if desired

tardis.default_settings.email module

tardis.default_settings.filters module

tardis.default_settings.frontend module

tardis.default_settings.frontend.BLEACH_ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = {'a': ['href', 'title'], 'abbr': ['title'], 'acronym': ['title']}

These are the default bleach values and shown here as an example.

tardis.default_settings.frontend.BLEACH_ALLOWED_TAGS = ['a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'b', 'blockquote', 'code', 'em', 'i', 'li', 'ol', 'strong', 'ul']

These are the default bleach values and shown here as an example.

tardis.default_settings.i18n module

tardis.default_settings.localisation module

tardis.default_settings.logging module

tardis.default_settings.middlewares module

tardis.default_settings.publication module

tardis.default_settings.search module

tardis.default_settings.sftp module

tardis.default_settings.sftp.SFTP_USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE = 'email'

The attribute from the User model (‘email’ or ‘username’) used to generate the SFTP login example on the sftp_access help page.

tardis.default_settings.sharing module

tardis.default_settings.site_customisations module

tardis.default_settings.site_customisations.SITE_TITLE = 'MyTardis'

customise the title of your site

tardis.default_settings.site_customisations.SPONSORED_TEXT = None

add text to the footer to acknowledge someone

tardis.default_settings.staging module

tardis.default_settings.static_files module


tardis.default_settings.storage module

tardis.default_settings.storage.METADATA_STORE_PATH = '/home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.org/user_builds/mytardis/checkouts/v3.9.0/var/store'

storage path for image paths stored in parameters. Better to set to another location if possible

tardis.default_settings.templates module

tardis.default_settings.uploads module

tardis.default_settings.uploads.UPLOAD_METHOD = False

Old version: UPLOAD_METHOD = “uploadify”. This can be changed to an app that provides an upload_button function, eg. “tardis.apps.filepicker.views.upload_button” to use a fancy commercial uploader. To use filepicker, please also get an API key at http://filepicker.io

tardis.default_settings.urls module

Module contents
