tardis.apps.publication_workflow package


tardis.apps.publication_workflow.apps module

class tardis.apps.publication_workflow.apps.PublicationWorkflowConfig(app_name, app_module)

Bases: tardis.app_config.AbstractTardisAppConfig

name = 'tardis.apps.publication_workflow'
verbose_name = 'Publication Workflow'

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.default_settings module

default settings for publication app override in main settings

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.doi module

class tardis.apps.publication_workflow.doi.DOI(doi=None)

Bases: object

mint(experiment_id, uri, publisher='Monash University')

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.email_text module

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.email_text.email_pub_rejected(pub_title, message=None)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.email_text.email_pub_released(pub_title, doi=None)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.email_text.email_pub_retracted(pub_title, message=None)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.email_text.email_pub_reverted_to_draft(pub_title, message=None)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.email_text.interpolate_template(template_name, **kwargs)

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.managers module

class tardis.apps.publication_workflow.managers.PublicationManager

Bases: tardis.tardis_portal.managers.ExperimentManager

Extends the ExperimentManager class, added methods for draft, scheduled and published publications.

create_draft_publication(user, publication_title, publication_description)

Create a new draft publication


Return all draft publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving draft publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the draft publications
Return type:QuerySet

Return all released publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving draft publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the draft publications
Return type:QuerySet

Return all retracted publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving retracted publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the retracted publications
Return type:QuerySet

Return all scheduled publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving draft publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the draft publications
Return type:QuerySet

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.models module

class tardis.apps.publication_workflow.models.Publication(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: tardis.tardis_portal.models.experiment.Experiment

Publication records are just experiment records with some metadata, so they can be represented by the Experiment model. However, it is useful to have a publication-specific manager, so we can retrieve publication records with Publication.safe.draft_publications(user)

exception DoesNotExist

Bases: tardis.tardis_portal.models.experiment.DoesNotExist

exception MultipleObjectsReturned

Bases: tardis.tardis_portal.models.experiment.MultipleObjectsReturned

class PublicationManager

Bases: tardis.tardis_portal.managers.ExperimentManager

Extends the ExperimentManager class, added methods for draft, scheduled and published publications.

create_draft_publication(user, publication_title, publication_description)

Create a new draft publication


Return all draft publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving draft publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the draft publications
Return type:QuerySet

Return all released publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving draft publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the draft publications
Return type:QuerySet

Return all retracted publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving retracted publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the retracted publications
Return type:QuerySet

Return all scheduled publications which are owned by a particular user, including those shared with a group of which the user is a member.

Parameters:user (django.contrib.auth.models.User) – the user who we are retrieving draft publications for
Returns:A QuerySet of experiments representing the draft publications
Return type:QuerySet

Add the acknowledgements

static get_details_schema()

Get the publication details schema


Get the publication details schema parameter set


Get the form state database object


Accessor to the related objects manager on the one-to-many relation created by GenericRelation.

In the example:

class Post(Model):
    comments = GenericRelation(Comment)

post.comments is a ReverseGenericManyToOneDescriptor instance.


Retract a publication


This method is not currently exposed to users.

In a previous version of the publication workflow, this method was used when proposed publications were rejected by the publication admins.

Anything with the form_state parameter can be reverted to draft

safe = <tardis.apps.publication_workflow.managers.PublicationManager object>

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.tasks module


tardis.apps.publication_workflow.urls module

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.urls.re_path(route, view, kwargs=None, name=None, *, Pattern=<class 'django.urls.resolvers.RegexPattern'>)

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.utils module

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.utils.send_mail_to_authors(publication, subject, message, fail_silently=True)

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views module

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.delete_publication(request, experiment_id)

Delete the publication draft with the supplied experiment ID

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.finalize_publication(request, publication, send_email=True)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.get_draft_publication(user, publication_id)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.is_publication(request, experiment_id)

Return a JSON response indicating whether the exp ID is a publication

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.is_publication_draft(request, experiment_id)

Return a JSON response indicating whether the exp ID is a publication draft

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.map_form_to_schemas(extraInfo, publication)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.mint_doi_and_deactivate(request, experiment_id)

Show drafts of public data collections, scheduled publications and published data.

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.retract_publication(request, publication_id)

Retract the publication with the supplied publication ID

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.retrieve_access_list_tokens_json(request, experiment_id)

json list of tokens associated with a given experiment


json list of draft pubs accessible by the current user


json list of released pubs accessible by the current user


json list of retracted pubs accessible by the current user


json list of scheduled pubs accessible by the current user


This method was designed to return form templates for the publication form’s Extra Information section, depending on a PUBLICATION_FORM_MAPPINGS setting which supported custom mappings between form templates, dataset schemas and publication schemas.

These custom mappings have been removed for now, leaving only the generic Extra Information form (a textarea for each dataset). This is because the way the Extra Information was updated each time the form was processed required deleting all of the publication draft’s meatadata (except for the form_state) and repopulating it. This clashes with the My Publications workflow’s desire to add metadata (like a DOI) outside of the form.

tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.set_publication_authors(author_list, publication)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.submit_form(request, form_state, publication)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.tokens(request, experiment_id)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.update_attribution_and_licensing(request, form_state, publication)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.update_data_selection(request, form_state, publication)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.update_dataset_basic_info(request, form_state, publication)
tardis.apps.publication_workflow.views.update_extra_info(request, form_state, publication)

Module contents